First things first….

Stop coming for me.

I do not negotiate with willful gaslighting racists and bigots. Periodt.

So, when I disconnect from you or block you, it says this about YOU:

  • you are NOT my assignment
  • you are a distraction
  • you are a danger to progress

and it says this about ME:

  • I see you for what you are
  • I am focused on the big picture
  • I am mission-driven and spirit-powered

Willful folks like to hide their racism and bigotry behind a

  • “professionalism” beard
  • “don’t see color” beard
  • “DEI is more than race” beard

Each “beard” serves as a strategically sneaky catch-all way to

  • dilute
  • misrepresent
  • deceive
  • erase



Meaningful qualitative and quantitative change in the workplace for Black, Brown, Indigenous folks

won’t happen under white-centered DEI or white CDOs, many of whom, according to both quantitative data and anecdotal testimony, are vested in

  • prestige of whiteness
  • privilege of whiteness
  • loyalty to whiteness
  • comfort of whiteness
  • coin from whiteness

Think about this.

If companies REALLY wanted to make good on racial equity, it would be done already.

Do you remember how fast during the initial pandemic shutdown that they made remote work happen after saying “no” to folks for so long?

They got that ish set up and done real quick, didn’t they?


Because there was a sense of urgency to protect their vested interests, their profits.

“People issues” have NEVER inspired a sense of urgency except in cases where there is a direct tie to profit, to bottom line.

And even then, it’s not the genuine caring for people that drives action.

There has yet to be a united front of folks fighting urgently for racial equity nor folks who’ve inspired a sense of urgency in companies……..companies that have continued with business-as-usual aka






How many of you are seeing it?

I remember asking one of my C-Suite clients during a coaching session, “What is so hard about fixing pay inequity?”

He didn’t have an answer.

You know why?

Because if companies really wanted to address the pay gap, it would be done already.

It. Would. Be. Done. Already.

If they wanted to address all inequities, discrimination, injustices, etc., they’d have done it by now.

Do you see how fast laws get passed when our governing leaders REALLY want something (or really not want something)?

Do you see how fast policies and processes get put into place when companies REALLY want something (or really not want something)?


Company c-suite elite don’t want racial diversity.

Company c-suite elite don’t want racial equity.

Company c-suite elite don’t want inclusion.

Company c-suite elite don’t want belonging for folks that look like me.

In other words, their policies and processes are screaming so loud that their lying words of commitment to DEI are being drowned out.

Some of us—the discerning ones—see them.

And WTAF—What the Actual Farce

The recent escalation in coining euphemisms to deflect from what’s really at issue is a common narrative-altering practice used by power-mongering tyrants.

It all ties in. The language has ALWAYS been in on it.

Are you at least paying attention to the language?

That “quiet quitting nonsense” is nothing more than an



anti-selfcare narrative

that seeks to demonize individuals while portraying exploitative companies as “innocents.”

Whew chile………well I’ll be “manifest destiny-ed.”

We’re gonna need a bigger hypocritionary™️.

And of course, I’m adding the “latest” nonsense to the top of the list.

The old guard is very much in place and deeply entrenched in all institutions and industries.

Trying to get past gate-keepers….

Trying to “unlock” the rooms where it happens…..

Trying to infiltrate tables…..

in order to effect change has not worked because too many folks have been brainwashed and are drunk on whiteness.

That makes them useless as well as dangerous.

We need different tactics to reach individuals.

We need operatives that we have rigorously trained.

We’ve got so much work to do.

Keep reading to see what I’m doing to reach individuals directly without dependence on “THE MIDDLE MAN.”

By the end, tell me……..what are YOU doing?


In the spirit of equipping individual teachers to combat anti-Black racism in schools…..

I’m offering 50 teachers in 50 states and a teacher in Washington, D.C. this…

a complimentary enrollment in my signature on-demand course, “Doing the Heart Work of Anti-Racism and Inclusion™.

That’s 51 teachers I’m reaching across the country.

The course, which retails individually for $1497, consists of 7 modules, 40 lessons. Teachers at all levels K thru 12, teaching any subject, are eligible to apply.

My hope is that teachers who are sincere about “getting it right”–whether they are in states like Texas or Florida–can access tools that educate and guide them on anti-racist speech, behavior, actions, tools in the classroom with students; during conferences with parents; during in-service, PLC, PD with peer teachers; in meetings with school administrators.

Interested teachers can get more information and apply here. The 51 selected teachers will be notified September 29, the last Thursday of the month.

Do you know of a teacher in your state who would be a good candidate? Send them the link. Does your child have a teacher who would benefit? Send them the link. Have you been in contact with a teacher in Texas or Florida? Whew chile……please send them the link.

My goal with this course is to reach one and teach one in all 50 states (and D.C.)

Let’s get this done!


Thru September 30 or until we reach maximum capacity of 50 (whichever comes first), you can apply to be a member of my “True Anti-Racism Allies Academy.” The optimum term here is “true.”

Having launched August 1, the Academy is a subscription-based community for aspiring anti-racism allies and anti-racism allies-in-progress to (un)learn and grow to become impactivists™. Benefits include community support for the journey, coaching, content not released on LinkedIn, minimum of one video lesson per month, monthly invitation to a live virtual learning lab.

The community is NOT right for those who are “fragile,” ego-driven, unreceptive to feedback and correction, averse or “allergic” to discomfort, or are looking for “ally cookies.”

 Membership is neither automatic nor guaranteed.

Our first week together focused on “adulting” (it doesn’t mean what you think it means in the anti-racism space) as a non-desirable trait for impactivists™ and on what it means to really listen. We’ve since been doing the work together on

  • The Impact Apology
  • White Saviorism
  • Interrupters
  • The S.T.O.P. Method
  • White Silence
  • Reach or Release

Plus, we’re having our second Live Virtual Learning Lab September 30, the last day the community will be open to new members.

Click here for more information and to apply.

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