Today while we are “distracted” by their granting “legal status” to Juneteenth, let us not forget that whiteness still lives by 13 proverbs.

  1. It is God’s will for white people to reign over non-white people. That whole “Manifest Destiny” bullshit comes from the same playbook that is designed to morally absolve them from the evil against humanity that they routinely carry out. They’ve created their “God” as the image of whiteness, and in their caucacity, they promote it as “KKKhristianity.”
  2. The “skin” justifies the means. “If you’re white, they let you do it. You can knee them on the neck, grab them by democracy. You can do anything.” Their dependence on skin-color as the foundation for society speaks volumes about their mediocrity. There ain’t a damn thing special or superior about whiteness. It’s the biggest trick they play, making it “necessary” for voices, truth, votes, and lives to be extinguished. What they’ve done to the “1619 Project” and its creator, Putlitzer prize-winning Nikole Hannah-Jones is shameful yet not surprising.
  3. Treat people the way you think they should be treated. Hell, this was even written in the U.S. constitution by slave-holding founding fathers. In theory and practice, white folks are not even three-fifths obligated to recognize the humanity of anyone that isn’t white.
  4. All is “fair” in suppression and oppression. Laws and policies are readily passed and enacted to make sure that whiteness has many workaround alternatives to the abolished form of slavery.
  5. A lie a day keeps the truth away. Lies also keep their privilege intact. One of their biggest plays of all time is promoting their biggest lies as truths, and then convincing the most gullible among them to believe them.
  6. The best way to judge a book is by its color. Of course, beyond the obvious, this could also be because a big part of the white-worshipper base doesn’t know how to read or think critically. It must take a lot of brain cells to keep that “white superiority” act going.
  7. Do not put off until tomorrow who you can subjugate today. Whiteness operates best via daily reminders of hate and terror. Even their performative steps to appease us must be followed by white supremacy reasserting itself. Consider the killings of Black folks by pattyrollers that continued after the arrest of Chauvin. Consider also the killings of Black folks by pattyrollers even after the Chauvin guilty verdict. Keep your eyes on what they are planning while we Black folks are distracted by the “legalized Juneteenth holiday.
  8. Good things come to those who take. From the beginning, whiteness has profited from stealing, killing, and destroying everything it touches. They continue to feed off of the spoils of colonization while insisting on their “superiority.” Christopher Columbus is but one of many of their historical “heroes” whom they continue to laud despite his being a murderer and rapist.
  9. If at first you don’t succeed, cheat your ass off. And of course, they also cut straight to the chase and cheat right out of the gate. No other demographic cheats quite like those who racially identify as white. And IQ45 turned cheating and criming into an art form—so much so that their ongoing cult-like worship of him tells us everything we already know about whiteness.
  10. Possession is three-fifths of the law. No other words necessary. Black folks are still not free. Yes, I said what I said. And I stand by what I said. Some of y’all need to consult history plus a dictionary.
  11. You can get away with it if you’re white. It’s been more than 6 months since the insurrection on January 6.
  12. Better to oppress than be oppressed. Whiteness worshippers have no concept of humanity and view it as a zero-sum game with whiteness as the perpetual “winner.” Their end-game is power by any and all means necessary. They will even kill their own if it comes to that. Ask Pence.
  13. If you can’t beat ‘em, kill ‘em. Tied to proverb #12, this one has been THE guiding principle for whiteness for well over 400 years. If you think they are playing, you haven’t been paying attention. Stay ready and know the signs.

*For more on whiteness, check out Blaxhaustion, Karens & Other Threats to Black Lives and Well-Being


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Theresa M. Robinson, Speaker · Facilitator · Coach · Advisor · Author
a crowd of mostly white people pledging allegiance with hands over hearts